Monday, August 13, 2007

First Week Roundup!

So, we've been up a little over a week now (the blog was created Sunday night), and I wanted to thank everyone for such a great start. As of thus writing, our sitemeter reads 686, which is not bad at all for a first week in business. I would like to recognize some people specifically for making our first week successful:

Mark Shea, for giving us that sweet, sweet linkage over at his blog.
Also giving us sweet linkage (that we've noticed in the Sitemeter):
The New Roving Medievalist (Check out the photography. Niice!)

Argent By the Tiber (Ohh, Twice! Thanks!)
Astonished, Yet at Home (All-Stars? Ah, we're blushing!)
and last, but certainly not least
Tom from Disputations.

Also, all you commenters, for your contributions to discussions and (mostly) civil behavior, notably:

Kiwi Nomad 2006
Fr. Scott Bailey, C. Ss. R (out of curiosity, and because I'm a dufus that doesn't know. . . what order is that?)
just for fun
and everyone else I just plain forgot (I haven't had my coffee yet, so my apologies, dear readers)

And, since it's not a proper blog with out someone being a little more belligerent that the rest:
Catholic Crusader.

[Yes, part of the point of the whole post was to give linkage back. Also to let all of you know that even if we don't answer every comment, we do appreciate them all, and we hope you continue to come by and contribute to discussions.]

Anyway, thank you all for a great first week! We likely won't post any more roundups like this until the first blogoversary, but I thought I should thank you all who helped us start out.

Thank you!