Friday, August 10, 2007

More Music

Related to the discussion we had the other day, yesterday the Anchoress linked to this post from the beginning of July, about a song called "Jesus was a Cool Dude". This gentle woman says

"95% of all “praise music” and 98% of all Catholic “hymns” written since
1972 are just shudder-inducing. Most of what is played at mass these days serves
as useful penance and not much else."

My, my, Anchoress, tell us what you really think. . .

+ + +

Because I'm a music nerd, I was looking on YouTube for the Alleluia from the Missa Papae Marcelli, but, alas, no one's done anything with that yet. But, I did find something from someone who is possibly more of a music nerd than I and, feeling generous, I thought I'd share. Here we have a short film on the life of Palestrina, with effective use of his music and others, including that of Star Wars, Superman, and. . . yes, that's Eminem you heard. . .

Behold the Geekdom:

Don't you feel nerdier already? ~_^

PS: And, from Amy welborn, related thoughts and links.